The Undead Proposals

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    Hi everyone,

    Ok, so it’s time to get the ball rolling on the first undead faction for Three Plains. As you know the Elves are well on their way to being finished and re-release again within the next three to four weeks, then I’m going to start work on the first undead army list.

    However, before I get started I would like to know what you think about which undead faction we should be working on next, before it’s too late to turn back.

    At first I would like us to start discussing these armies and any other ideas you have in regards to the undead. Then, we vote on which undead faction should be made up next.

    Please use the Epic Forum to discuss this topic. Cheers!

    When people think of the Undead, the Necromancer’s Codex will be basically what they are thinking of.

    There army list will have undoubtedly the biggest selection of undead gaming pieces to choose from, as their will have just a little bit of everything mixed in there. They will have access to Skelton Warriors and Cavalry, Zombies, Mummies, Zombie Dragons and Vampires from weaker blood lines. However, all of their warriors will be quite week and horde like.

    The true strength of this army will lie in their magical abilities. They will have access Necromancer Spells and Dark Magic only.

    Their heroes will be quite strong with them being able to raise up Undead Champions, Mummies and being able to hire Rogue Vampires. However, the Necromancer Generals themselves will be quite weak, as after all they are just human wizards.

    The Vampires will be very similar to the Necromancers, as they will also have access to Skeleton Warriors and Cavalry, Zombies, Mummies and Zombie Dragons. However, all of their warriors will quite week and horde like with the exceptions of vampire infantry and cavalry.

    They will only have access to Necromancer Spells and Dark Magic, but will not be as good at casting magic as the Necromancers are. However, there will be able to hire low level Necromancers to bolster their magic on the field.

    You will not be surprised to hear that they will have some of the strongest heroes and generals in the game, with them all being Vampires.

    The Restless
    The Restless are more like a Force of Nature than an established faction, like the Elves or the Dwarfs. Great and vast armies of the dead can suddenly rise up, seemingly out of thin air, their original cause lost in the mists of time. Like a tornado of death, they will sweep across the lands, killing all in their path! Then, when all seems lost… as quickly as they came, they will just crumble to dust and vanish.

    So the Restless can be both a power for good or evil. It all depends on the great ‘Will’ that drove them back to life…

    They play like a standard army would, such as the Herlanceians. Except all their warriors cause +1 Fear and they never break with them being all undead. Therefore, they are very different from the Necromancers and Vampires, as there are not a horde army.

    The Restless have access to elite skeleton and spirit warriors and cavalry, and they will benefit from Vengeance Traits. These special traits are the very reason why they march again on the mortal plain. One of their special traits is hatred, which affects their entire army.

    Furthermore, the Restless rise up the dead with their Will, rather than using Necromancy Magic. They have access to all the spells in the game. However, their wizards will never go beyond a Master Wizard’s abilities.

    The Zombie Hordes
    This army will be entirely made up of Zombies, of all different creatures other than just Humans.

    A hand full of zombies is just a bunch of mindless killers, but a horde of thousands develop a Hive Mind. In fact the bigger the horde, the more intelligent it will be!

    In regards to magic, the better the horde will be at casting spells. As yet I do not know if the hordes will have their own kind of magic…

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Dave.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Dave.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Dave.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Dave.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Dave.

    Necro or Vampires, because the seems to have a bigger variety of monsters.


    Yes, that would be right.

    We could even have a ‘create your abomination option’, there you put your own monster together from a list of stats and points.


    You know I was thinking and vampires would have access to some kick ass skirmishers. They would have flying vampires who would have decent speed on the ground as sell, but also a vampiric cavalry charge would be monstrous with there heightened reflexes.
    Could give the elves a run for their money


    Also I agree whilst creating the restless would be fun they would be similar to herlancia in playing style so maybe necromancers or vampires would be good.
    But zombies really would bring a completely different game to the table with a border mentality without a general so we shouldn’t forget them.

    I think as zombies loose more men maybe the army would get “dumber” and it would limit there combat effectiveness tactically speaking.


    You know I was thinking and vampires would have access to some kick ass skirmishers. They would have flying vampires who would have decent speed on the ground as sell, but also a vampiric cavalry charge would be monstrous with there heightened reflexes.
    Could give the elves a run for their money (Thomas)

    Yes, the Counts would have some killer units of New Bloods, who would be newly turned vampires, they would form the Counts’ elite units of infantry and cavalry. And they would be the equal the Devince Blood Nights.

    We could also look at giving the Counts Bloodline traits, such as frenzy or hatred for instance.

    I think as zombies loose more men maybe the army would get “dumber” and it would limit there combat effectiveness tactically speaking. (Thomas)

    I was thinking the same thing here too. We could so the same for magic. The more zombies a horde has the more powerful its magic.

    At the moment it looks like its going to be a battle between the Counts and Necromancers for which army gets made up next. However, we could mix them together into one army list, what do guys think? I was thinking if you choose a Vampire for your general you would get access to New bloods. Or you could choose a Necromancer and get access to amoninations and better mages.


    I like to necromancer army list with their greatest strength being their magical ability to cast spells and summon a wide range of creatures. I propose giving the necromancer the ability to become an undead creature himself”lich”for example.


    That would be an interesting up grade. Maybe it could be used to make him/her a level 4(?) Wizard, so 1 above a master


    I like to necromancer army list with their greatest strength being their magical ability to cast spells and summon a wide range of creatures. I propose giving the necromancer the ability to become an undead creature himself”lich”for example. (darkgunman-3)

    Good idea. The Necromancers will be amongst some of the most powerful mages in the World and will have access to all sorts of mysterious and magical beings. It just all depends on their law we hammer out here for them so we know what they can have.

    That would be an interesting up grade. Maybe it could be used to make him/her a level 4(?) Wizard, so 1 above a master (Thomas)

    Levels 1 to 2 wizards are going to be the standard range for most races in the world of Many. So level 3 to 4 wizards are extremely rare. However, working with Darkgunman-3 suggestion, level 2 necromancers could undergo a process to become a Lich, which would push them up to becoming a level 3 wizard. Then we could look at having a level 4 lich as a special character.


    That would be very cool. It’s be nice to have a race rival the elves magic


    “That would be very cool. It’s be nice to have a race rival the elves magic” (Thomas)

    Yeh, that’s true. Furthermore, Necromancy Magic will be a very good deck of spells. Their first spell will be a ‘Reanimate the Dead’ spell, which will be totally scalable with it having different power levels to cast to raise back more or less of the dead, depend on how powerful the caster is. Also, maybe even recastable too… They could also trade in their other spells to recast their ‘Reanimate the Dead’ spell.

    Btw, for those who don’t know, all mages in the game have the option to take their magic’s first discipline.


    Just had another idea for the Vampires, could have it so if they kill another character or individual model in combat they get LP back


    I’m with the necromancers but I don’t mind either way. Have fun making them!


    “I’m with the necromancers but I don’t mind either way. Have fun making them!” (Ghbkk)

    Cool thanks. I am thinking of merging the two factions together. So it would all depend on who leads your army. So if a Necromancer leads your force you can have a level 3 Lich. Or if it was a count, then you get access to their New Blood units.

    “Just had another idea for the Vampires, could have it so if they kill another character or individual model in combat they get LP back” (Thomas)

    Or how about if they win a combat instead of pursuing, they could choose to feed and get all of their LP back? Feeding in combat would be pretty hard, even for a Vampire I think 😉


    Definitely could be a cool mechanic

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