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  • #311

    Thanks, i thought it was a cool idea mechanic of the necromancer having a special ability of turning undead himself.


    I agree on vampire general gaining all his LP back upon winning combat due to his feeding frenzy and blood lust.i’m not sure about the lesser vampires gaining back all LP. maybe 1 LP at most.


    Yeah ideas thinking that the lesser ones probably wouldn’t be able to


    If I can add my tuppenceworth – I quite like the “Tomb Kings” aesthetic – ancient Egypt and all that. There may be an ancient desert race of Man wiped out by the Elves/Orcs/insert name here, and come back to wreak vengeance on the living in general and their arch enemy in particular. I think we’re talking Necromancer or Vampires here, but with the desert flavour.
    Scenarios may include periodic wakening. Every hundred years or so, a Tomb Army rises from its half-buried temples to obey some long-forgotten order involving killing everything in a ten mile radius of a certain rock.
    Or maybe the passage of an army, the digging of a well, the plundering of a tomb or someone sneezing rather loudly in an unfortunate place causes the Great Pharoah Senhotep IV to rouse from his slumber and campaign to clear his lands of the living.
    Imagine hordes of animated skeletons and half-decayed, desiccated zombies with associated underworld nasties, led by ritually interred generals loyal to their King literally beyond the grave, clumping over the dunes in search of revenge.


    That fits in most with “The Restless” as their whole shtick is that they come back to finish some old business such as pillaging a town or defending a city.
    Though you could have ancient necromancers who are Egyptian themed.
    I guess it depends on what direction your want to take it


    “Thanks, i thought it was a cool idea mechanic of the necromancer having a special ability of turning undead himself.” (darkgunman-3)

    I didn’t really think about that… yes they would fall under different rules for dead. Something to keep in mind for later.

    In regards with the Vampires, the slip flip of the coin would be that their Blood Lust could get the better of them. So under certain situations, a vampire would have to a devency check to resist the urge to feed. The older vampires would be able to relist with them having her soldering, but the young ones, it would be a real problem.

    Welcome to the Forum Keep Calm and Do Sums. What you’re talking about would fall nicely under the Restless kind of undead, which is a ‘Will’ driven army, just with an ancient Egypt skin. Btw nice bit of writing there!

    If we went with the Restless (Tomb Kings) they would be a very different army to the Necromancers and Counts, as they would mirror pretty much what you would expect to see in a standard army, being very skeleton warrior based and relying less on mobs of and hordes of monsters.

    I have a question for everybody. Would you like to see a specific undead army list that focuses on just one faction. Or a ‘Book of the Dead’, that would cover all the different types of undead, but could not focus on one pacific faction???


    hi Dave,
    I’m open to the book of the dead idea. but i am more leaning toward the necromancer army list.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by darkgunman-3.

    Cool thanks Darkgunman-3. I have an idea on how I would set it out, but I’ll wait until more people have their say on the subject.

    Nice Helmet btw 🙂

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Dave.

    I concur with you regarding what everyone else thinks about the “book of dead” idea or focus on single Undead faction.
    Thanks i made that helmet design in open source vector graphics program”Inkscape” in about 10 to 15 minutes time.


    Considering the similarities a book of the dead isn’t a bad idea.

    From what I imagine each faction to be I can see them all having access to some kind of regeneration ;zombies grow in number for each model they kill,the Restless will come back through the “Will” of their leader resurrecting them, the Necromancers would of course use magic which would be a double edged sword as it can be negated and the Vampires wouldn’t be able to resurrect the dead but there characters and other multiple LP units would be thorn in your opponents side as if left alone they could return to full strength.

    I reckon the Restless and Zombies would be kind of “Basic armies” and unable to access other armies but they would have some units exclusive to their armies. Whereas the vampires and Necromancers could dip into zombies and restless but not access their best units.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Thomas.

    Yeah you got it Thomas, that’s pretty much how I see how the Book of the Dead would be set out.

    Well it goes without saying that all Vamps would have regeneration. As for magic abilities they would still have access to low level Necromancers for raising up their undead army. As for being able to cast spells themselves that would be more open to debate, as Vamps do generally have magical abilities. Though I think making them magic casters might be a little OP and their special abilities don’t really amount to casting magic, more maliulation their immediate surroundings to benefit them. That said, I was thinking the Vamps would be divided into Families. Each one would focus on a particular skill set, such as Combat, Magic, Psychology, etc. So the Magical Family of Vamps would be able to cast spells, but there would not have access a level 3 mage like the Necromancers have, and might not be able to use their spells either, only the darker magics.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Dave.

    Yeah that’s a cool way of doing it I could definitely enjoy playing that style.
    I can see a family who specialise in terror tactics.

    Also I had an idea for a possible Necromancers character.
    Basically a plague doctor, he would be a basic wizard but he would have the life breaker rule and be decent in close combat. Backstory wise he would effectively be an assassin.
    For anyone who doesn’t know life breaker is a rule or indead/demons the functions like holy touch for the living, on the roll of a 6 against a living piece they take an automatic LP damage in addition to other damage


    Cool, kind of like a Herlanceian Battle mage eh.


    Similar, but I reckon a battle mage would still be better on close combat. But if he caught a character unawares then some life breaker damage could make a difference


    the different vampire clans or families is cool idea. i could see two different clans fighting for control of land or area to show the other clans who should lead the other clans by establishing dominance over the other clans.

    is life breaker rule similar to drain touch or drain life ability?

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