Welcome to PrintAndPlayFantasy.com Weary Traveller…

🎲 Rest Up, Internet Traveller! 🎲

PPF LogoYou’ve made it to the home of Three Plains, the old-world fantasy tabletop wargame, complete with its own wargaming rules, print-and-play models, and terrain—and best of all, it’s FREE! (Well… nearly free, except for the Patron-exclusive models.)

On this site, you’ll find everything you need to play Three Plains. Just look to your right, and under the ‘Rulebooks & Models’ section, you’ll find all the wargaming rules and models you need. Or, you can click HERE to grab the Three Plains Rulebook and get started!

What is Three Plains?

So, what exactly is Three Plains, I hear you ask?

Well… Three Plains is a tabletop Old World Fantasy 15mm Wargame, where two or more players battle against each other with armies of small figures, which players download, print, and assemble themselves.

All the core wargaming rules are explained in the rulebook. The game is designed to be played on a tabletop board that simulates combat in a fair and balanced way. However, you can play on any appropriate surface.

The standard battlefield is a 6-foot by 4-foot board, decorated with model scenery that matches the 15mm scale of Three Plains miniatures.

The Old World of Many

Three Plains is set in the vast and ancient world of Many—a land covered by huge seas and oceans, teeming with life and crossed by warships and trading vessels.

Its waters are dotted with islands and continents, featuring lands of never-ending deserts, lush jungles, towering forests, rolling green plains, and lifeless wastelands of ice and fire—just to name a few.

Despite its beauty, Many is a world torn by war, as its many races battle for survival, power, and dominance.

With the rise of new races, competition for resources has grown fierce, leading to bloody and destructive conflicts across the lands.

The Factions of Many

  • The Humans of Herlanceia—once slaves, now united in a mighty new republic, fiercely defending their growing empire.
  • The Orcs—returning from the Black Lands, raiding and plundering all who stand in their way.
  • The Vile—a race of demons, bound to this world by enchanted metal armour, growing ever stronger.
  • The Lords of the Woods—no longer content to watch as their great forests are pillaged and burned by the greedy Fire Makers.
  • The Drackin (Children of Fallax)—seeking to expand their dominion, regardless of the cost in blood.
  • The Dwarfs and Elfs—no longer in decline, now determined to reclaim their lost dominion and crush all who oppose them.
  • The Demons of the Lower Plains—long ago defeated, yet still rising in massive hosts to wreak havoc upon the world.
  • The Undead—summoned by dark Necromancers, marching relentlessly against the living.

Heroes, Monsters & Gods

Though massive armies clash upon the battlefield, often it is one great individual who turns the tide of war.

These mighty figures—known as Heroes, Lords, or Wizards—stand apart from their kin, blessed with greater strength, agility, intelligence, or magical power.

Their legendary deeds mark them as champions, capable of slaying monsters, leading armies to victory, and even defying death itself. Some believe their gifts are divine, and that these heroes are chosen by the Gods themselves.

But the world of Many is not only filled with warriors and magic—it is also a realm of terrifying beasts and monstrous creatures.

The Beasts of Many

  • Ancient Unicorns, Dragons, and Krakens, surviving from the dawn of creation.
  • New terrors like Bog Trolls, venomous Wyverns, and the dreaded Gorflesh, creatures that devour the dead and living alike to grow ever stronger.
  • Twisted horrors of chaos, so hideous and unnatural that they defy all description.

And yet, for all the monsters, war, and suffering, perhaps the true villains of this world lurk beyond the battlefield…

The Gods’ Great Game

For all the cruelty, misery, and death that plagues Many, perhaps the most sinister forces at play are the Gods themselves.

They toy with mortals like children playing with dolls, prodding and provoking entire races as if poking an ant nest.

Endless wars are waged, countless lives are lost, all to determine one question:

🔥 Who is the strongest? 🔥

Is it the Gods of Darkness or Light?
Is it Chaos or Order?
Or perhaps Balance will prevail?

If the Gods can’t settle this dispute…

Perhaps YOU can?

Choose your side, take up their banner, and fight for what you believe in.

Will you end this great and bloody game once and for all?

Want to See What’s Next? Check Out the Road Map!

If you’re curious about how development is progressing or what’s coming next, visit the Three Plains Road Map! This is a living document that I update regularly, detailing my plans, the latest developments, and the current status of the game. Keep an eye on it HERE to follow along!

Support Three Plains on Patreon!

Well, that’s about it for now! Enjoy Three Plains, and if you’d like to support the development of the game, please consider becoming a Patron of PrintAndPlayFantasy.com, by clicking HERE.

Every little bit helps keep this project alive!
