Hi everyone, thanks for popping by
This week I will be starting work on our last Poll’s winners, the Direwolves. In the meantime, I would like to kick off the voting process for which model I will be making up next after I finish off the Direwolves. This is how it will work…
- You can vote twice and change your vote if you want. However, if you are one of my Patrons, then you will get +5 votes, which I will have to add on manually. If you wish to take advantage of this arrangement, please contact me through Patron.
- You must be a member of this site to vote. You can join us here at Epic by clicking on Register under the User Menu and following the instructions from there. I have had Polls fiddled with in the past by people refreshing the page multiple times so that they can keep on re-voting for the model they like, that’s why I would like you to register to stop that from happening.
- The Poll will end on the 24th of February 2019.
And that’s it I believe… Anyway, here are some more details on the models you will be voting on:
Herlanceian Pikemen
The Herlanceian Guard makes up the backbone of any Herlanceian legion. They are light, versatile and very capable infantry, and are charged with protecting Herlanceia’s realms and her interests across Many.
Herlanceia is one of the few nations who invests in a professional standing army, which comes at a great expense to her economy. Therefore, the Herlanceian Guard is never left idle. They can be found fighting all across the world of Many, safeguarding Herlanceia’s interests and expanding her influence. At other times they can be found keeping the peace and guarding her shores from any invaders who dare to set foot on Herlanceian soil.
The Herlanceian Guards are good, reliable and professional troops that the Arcmerit can always count on in times of need.
White Terrors (Elves)

Instead of deploying units of heavy armoured Imperial Helms in battle, Elf commanders usually prefer to deploy Imperial White Terror Riders instead.
There are many good reasons for this. Firstly, unlike the Imperial Helms, White Terror Riders are lightly armoured, only carrying a Shield and Light Armour into battle, as they rely on their nimbleness to avoid their enemy’s strikes in combat, rather than taking the blows directly. This makes them unconventional fighters for most enemy’s to combat, which usually gives them a fighting edged over their opponents.
Another good reason is the White Terror Birds can match most horses’ speed on an open field, even keeping up with Imperial Steeds with their superior blood lines. Because they are not over encumbered with heavy armour, they can take full advantage of their great speed on the battlefield, leaving most enemy cavalry standing.
Perhaps the White Terror Riders biggest advantage over the Imperial Helms is in combat. White Terror Birds stand at 7 foot tall and their light bodies are packed full of mussel. The giant bird has huge razor sharp talons, which can disembowel a man in an instant. Their massive beaks can slice through flesh, bone and even armour with a mere snap of their beaks, which can easily take off an enemy combatant’s arm.
For all the advantages of the White Terror Riders on the battle field, they do have some crucial weaknesses. The giant bird’s frames cannot bear heavy armour, which makes them very vulnerable to attacks they cannot evade.
In more recent times, the lesser races have learn to master both magic and machines, which has given them the ability to rain down fire and stone upon the battlefield, which causes huge explosions that the White Terror Riders cannot avoid. These new threats on the battlefield have decimated entire units of White Terror Riders, which led to the creation of the Imperial Helms. This new division of cavalry are slower and far more sluggish in combat, but they can withstand hits that would otherwise kill a White Terror Rider in battle.
Upting the Orc Chariots pulled Horses to Zags instead

There is the rumble and clatter of heavy iron wheels, which is accompanied by the sounds of whips’ cracks and lashes, and whatever it is, it’s heading towards you at speed!
A cloud of black dust lifts off the horizon, as the Orc Iron chariots pulled by their ferocious Zags charge straight towards you and your men with the intention of running you all down like dogs!
It’s time to go, or face down one of the most devastating band of chariot riders on the Middle Plain.
Orcs have short squat bodies, and so find it difficult to ride steeds of any kind.
To make up for their body plan’s natural disadvantage for mounting and riding their Zags, they use heavy chariots of iron instead.
The Orc War Chariot is a deadly war machine dragged by their battle harden Zags. They are well equipped with a skilful driver armed with a spiked club, an archer and a spearmun who will defend the armoured cab from invaders and do much of the killing if the chariot becomes bogged down in combat.
The Orcs drive their chariots hard into units of infantry to smash them up into bits and run them down if they flee. After their bloody work has been done, they will ride off as quickly as they came, to devastate another unit elsewhere on the battlefield.
The Scarred Bones – Skeleton Warriors
These undead infantry would have Light Amour and be armed with a number of different weapons, such as Swords and Shield and Spears etc.
Huntsmen of Evernight
The Huntsmen will be a cheap and for Humans on foot, a fairly fast skirmishing Bow Unit for House Gorren.
Their main role on the battlefield will be to provide mobile light archery cover for their army’s main force and pick off weak and vulnerable enemy units.
They will be lightly armed with Poisoned Bows and Hunting Knives. They will have the option to wear Light Armour and to carry Warnets, which will help them hunt down creatures with high agility.
As the Huntsmen are used to tracking down and killing whatever lurks in House Gorren’s forests, their relatively low Soldiering of 3 will be somewhat improved by their +2 Bravery.
Roc (Elves)

Rocks are by far the largest Eagles to fly in the skies of Many. They are so large that they can easily over shadow a simple dwelling as they fly overhead.
Sometimes called the Slave Eaters, these giant birds are always searching out their next victim to devour, which can on occasion include an isolated Human Slave working the lands.
When wild Rocks home in on their prey, they will swoop down at great speeds towards their target. When they hit their mark, their sharp talons will tear into their victim’s flesh and pin them down. Then there is no escape from being ripped to shreds and devoured alive by their razor-sharp hooked beaks!
A Rock is also a very powerful flyer; they have been sighted to catcher and carry off fully sized Bulls to feed to their greedy ferocious checks back in their nests.
For a long time, the Golden Empire has used these massive birds to ride into battle or to carry semi-important passengers across their vast lands at speed.
In battle, Rocks are merciless killers! Their talents will quickly disembowel the enemy, and any who resist will be torn to shreds by their powerful hooked beaks.
- White Terrors (Elves) 38%, 3 votes3 votes 38%3 votes - 38% of all votes
- Roc (Elves) 25%, 2 votes2 votes 25%2 votes - 25% of all votes
- Herlanceian Pikemen 13%, 1 vote1 vote 13%1 vote - 13% of all votes
- Upting the Orc Chariots pulled Horses to Zags instead 13%, 1 vote1 vote 13%1 vote - 13% of all votes
- Huntsmen of Evernight 13%, 1 vote1 vote 13%1 vote - 13% of all votes
- The Scarred Bones – Skeleton Warriors 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
Thanks for popping by and voting 🙂

Looks White Terrors are taking the lead 🙂 I have been looking forwards to creating that unit for some time now.
White Terrors it is then 🙂