The Orcs are Up and Running Again!

The Vandals of the Old World have Returned!

Or… in other words, I have uploaded the Orcs and now they are ready for everyone to download again.

I had planned to have them ready for last Sunday, but long story short, a lot of the models Sheets needed to be reworked before I could re-release them.

Btw, from now on there will be special models and rules only my patrons will be able to access. If I have not already done so, please contact me over Patreon and I will give you a password to access the Patrons Only Area of the site, so that you can get your hands on these goodies!

Ok, I think that’s everything… enjoy and thanks for popping by

2 thoughts on “The Orcs are Up and Running Again!

  • Welcome back Hi Darkgunman 3,

    Check out this post to see what happened to the old site if you do not already know.

    Next week I’m going to have a much closer look at what I can do with the WordPress Forum Tools and Plugins, as I want the entire online thing to be contained within this one site. This is because its much easier and quicker to update and maintain than having several sites to keep an eye on all the time, not to mention all the spam bots I had to constantly fight off… :/

    As for the Inner Circle Members, I lost that list of names when the old site went down before… And I don’t know if I can even recreate that system using the WordPress Forum Tools.

    However the old Inner Circle Members contributed so much to the game with their artwork, editing, ideas and posts, that letting them have special access to rules and models was my way of saying thank you for their contribution, and I intend on honoring that arrangement. So if you are an old Inner Circle member please contact me and I will sort something out.

    I will contact you Darkgunman 3, but first let me set up a Contact Email for

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