Progress on the Great Saw Blades

Hi all, The Americans have their M1 Abrams tank, the Japanese have their katana swords, and we Brits have the longbow—all cutting-edge technology of their time. Well, the Orcs have their Great Saw Blade. To the untrained eye, it might look like—(and it is!)—a heap of rusty scrap metal, crudely hammered and pinned together with […]

Release of the New Saws with Two Saw Blades

Hi all, Well, I’m back and with a very short post today. As you can see, I just finished these new Saw models last night. Next up to work on is their Great Blade reverent, which shouldn’t take too long, as lot of their armour is already do now. Download the New Saw Models from: […]

My Progress on the New Saws Models

Hi all, I’m back, but this time with a much shorter update. The reason being, I’ve been ploughing loads of my time into the Saws and not much else. The good news is that I’ve just finished the front parts of the Saw models. Next week, I’ll start working on their backs. As usual, I […]

The Orc Noms have been Released!

Hi all, The title of this post really says it all already—the Noms have been released! You can download them here:, just click on ‘Orc Noms’. I’m quite pleased with how they turned out, if I do say so myself. In other news, the Orc Codex is progressing nicely. I’ve just about finished working […]

Meet the Children – The Noms

Hi all, So, meet the children: A handsome lot, aren’t they? I’ve just finished working on the front side of the Noms, and next week I’ll start working on their backs. By the way, I promise you, that’s what’s left of their tails between their legs, slowly shrinking as the Noms grow into fully grown […]

Post 09/11/2024 – I’m Back and working the Orcs

Hi all, Firstly, my apologies for the delay in releasing new content. Three Plains had to be put on the back burner as I moved in with my partner. This meant I had to get my house ready to rent, and it needed quite a bit of work. The good news is that most of […]