Hi all,
I’m back, but this time with a much shorter update. The reason being, I’ve been ploughing loads of my time into the Saws and not much else. The good news is that I’ve just finished the front parts of the Saw models. Next week, I’ll start working on their backs.
As usual, I create all my models in a modular way. So, below are three examples of the Saws, randomly put together:

I know they don’t look too different from my last update, but I have completed all their different armour sets and created all their infamous Saw Blades.
While checking their downloads, I realised that they don’t yet have a banner model. At some point, I’ll need to update the Orc Banner and Musician to include the Saw variant.
The Saws will also come with two-handed Great Saw Blades, and those models will be the next batch I work on after the two-handed weapon Saws are released—hopefully in a couple of weeks.
That’s all from me for now! If you like what I’m working on, please share this post with others—every little bit helps. Thanks for stopping by, and take care!
Patreon: Dave the Wargamer