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Tagged: Necromancy, Print and Play, Three Plains, Undead
- This topic has 49 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 12 months ago by
February 7, 2019 at 8:54 pm #1481
KeymasterI see 🙂
February 8, 2019 at 1:34 pm #1482Thomas
ParticipantWe’ll probably discuss it soon and see where we go from there
February 8, 2019 at 9:57 pm #1483Dave
KeymasterVery true. A stubben old man could have a much stronger will than a younger and fitter man.
February 13, 2019 at 2:50 pm #1503Thomas
ParticipantI was wondering of we could have a list of the spells we have made so far?
February 13, 2019 at 11:14 pm #1504Dave
KeymasterSure thing, but I have not had a chance to rework them yet. I’m hoping to do that this weekend.
The Discipline of Necromancy
1st Spell “Reanimate the Dead”
Ether 1+
If a Necromancer cannot reanimate the dead, then they are not a Necromancer…
All Necromancers must take the First Discipline of Necromancy, ‘Reanimate the Dead’ into battle. They cannot swap or trade this spell. If the Necromancer looses this spell for any reason, they cannot cast any other magic until they regain this spell.
This spell has a starting range of 8 inches and can only be cast within the Necromancer’s awareness ranges. Furthermore, this spell can only be cast upon existing gaming pieces of Undead, such as Skeletons and Vampires.The caster can rise up more dead by making the spell more difficult to cast, by adding 1 or more ether dice to its dispelling roll. On a successful cast, each ether die added will allow the Necromancer to generate +1D6 worth of ‘Will Points’. After which, the Necromancer can spend their WPs on rising up undead and restoring their LP damage. Each Undead Model has a cost in WPs in their stats that indicate its cost in reanimating models or restoring lost LP. E.g. the Necromancer rolls 3D6 Will Dice and scores 12 WPs, which would reanimate 6 Skeleton warriors at a cost of 2 will points each.
The caster may even extend the range of the spell by adding another Ether Die to its dispelling roll to gain +8 inches on to the spell’s range. Unspent excess will points are lost.
Undead gaming pieces can only have their lost models and LPs ‘restored’. This spell cannot grant more LPs or model than a gaming piece already had at the start of the game.
The caster may recast this spell at a cost of trading in another one of their spells to do so.
2nd The Dark Blessing at Death’s Door
Ether 1
A cruet of the Necromancer can know little ends, as they have the power to make the
This spell can be cast up any friendly undead gaming piece within 10 inches of the caster and must be cast within their awareness ranges. The spells affects last for one full turn and end at the beginning of the caster’s next turn.
Ever model that is slain in by the affect unit turned into a skeleton warrior and is added to that unit the effected gaming piece.3rd Ancestral knowledge
Cost 3
Everyone on the middle plain is invisibly linked to those who came before. There ancestors who might have died heroic battles or learned great knowledge through research and testing.Using this magic someone may commune with these great people and use their experience to further their goals on the battlefield
This spell can target one character within 8 inchs of the caster.
Once successfully cast the piece gains +2Cr, +1 A and +2 S until the start of their next turn.I’m unsure of what the spell does, I thought of th blurb before the spell as it does make sense and is something related to necromancy
4th Spell.“Deaths Kiss”
Cost 2
“The Necromancers focuses his magic and releases it as a burst that flows over the ranks of the enemy. Once breathed in they drop like flies at the feet of the wizard as there life is drained from their bodies and used to further fuel the Necromancers cause”.Once successfully cast place the flame template within the primary awareness range of the wizard and in base contact.
Any enemy models under the temple suffer a -2 agility and -1 toughness. For every 3 models killed the caster recovers 1 LP.
5th Spell “Shroud of spirits”
Cost 3
The Necromancers targets the ground and rips from it the souls who have been laid to rest, those who died of age or in battle are forced to return to the mortal realm once more howling throughout the painful ordeal.Though this causes no physical harm to enemies it serves as a distraction and shakes their morale at the sight of the endless wall of wailing spirits begging to return from whence they came.
This spell has a range of up to 24 inches and can be cast within the casters awareness ranges.
Once cast place a piece of rough ground down to represent the souls. Enemies pieces suffer a movement penalty as normal for moving through it and if they try to shoot over it they also suffer a -1 penalty. Additionally enemies within 6inchs suffer +1 fear.
A strong and unique utility spell hopefully you like it
6th ‘Last Rites’
Cost 5
Necromancy is famous for allowing you to resurrect the dead, but the true power gained is controlling them to do your bidding. They can follow simple tasks fine, but require more advanced manaquill to perform tactical manoeuvres.Though this and with proper planning an undead army is unpredictable and has a plan for whatever the living may through at them.
Many generals have had their morale broken when a “dumb” undead army foils their greatest strategy.
Once successfully cast pick an undead piece anywhere on the table top.
That piece may do one of the following; make an additional move, shoot their ranged weapon or have an additional round of combat (your enemy may not fight back).
Afterwards place an exhaustion counter on the piece.
7th ‘Life Rend’
Cost 4
The Necromancers imbues a weapon with the power to cut through a soul itself. Though the weapon itself and the damage it does appear unchanged though struck by it feel there will getting weaker with every strike.This spell has a range of 8 inches and may be cast on an individual model.
Once cast that models weapon gains the special rules for life breaker until the start of your next turn.
This may only affect 1 weapon the model is carrying.
8th ‘Breaking Terror’
5 Ether
Range 18 Inches. When a necromancer spots a unit turning tail, he knows that the time is ripe to reap those whose Wills are broken. Corrupting the winds of magic around the hapless victims, he multiplies their fear tenfold, that men literally die of terror in their armour or fall upon their swords fearing the entities that swirl above them brought about the necromancers foul spell.This spell may only be cast upon an enemy unit that is broken. It must be within range and line of sight of the caster. Once cast, the unit must immediately make a soldiering check. If it passes, it takes damage equal to the number of successes you rolled. If the unit fails, you roll a d6 for each success rolled and cause that much damage to the unit.
February 15, 2019 at 1:39 pm #1506Thomas
ParticipantThought I’d try and think of the 19th spell
Harbinger of death. Cost 7
Even though death is an omniscient Demon who knows the exact moment a mortal dies he rarely does any reaping himself.
Usually it is left to one of his many Harbingers, powerful demons designed solely for the purpose of finishing off a living creature, they are send out and strike just as a person’s soul leaves the body at the which point they quickly overpower the soul (most of the time) and take them away.
Though a canny Necromancers knows how to fool one of these demons and can turn them on those who’s time hasn’t quite come…
This spell may be cast anywhere within 8 inchs of the awareness ranges of the spells caster.
Once successfully cast place down a harbinger model (base size 30×30) with the stats written below. The harbinger immediately charges the nearest enemy model following the normal charge rules and close combat rules as stated on pages **&** of the three plains rule book.M–A—-D—Save—–S
8–5–1to3–5 Magic–5
——–x2Special rules
Fear 1, ethereal attacks, undead, life breaker
Reaping scythe
In combat count each attack as 3 (up at maximum of the number of models in the enemy unit)
This spell lasts until the start of your best turn.So potentially or has 15 attacks but in a 1v1 it only has 5 and as it’s ethereal it’s not a character killer (double magic)
I’m unsure for the cost though-
This reply was modified 6 years ago by
Thomas. Reason: Clearing up stats
February 16, 2019 at 12:09 pm #1508Dave
KeymasterGreat Tom.
I think your about right for the spell’s ether cost, perhaps 6… I would however think about rolling a D20 once the Harbinger is summoned. The score would equal the amount of souls it would take to fill its quota and it would disappear.
Also, I feel the spell needs to have a little bit of a backfire element to it. As a Necromancer is alive and a Lich has cheated Death, so their would always be a chance that the Harbinger would turn against its new master. I would Propose a battle of wills. So both the Harbinger (2 Soldiering) and the Necromancer would roll off their soldiering values against each other. If the Necromancer fails… then he or she would be in a lot of trouble…
February 16, 2019 at 2:57 pm #1510Thomas
ParticipantYou could do it that way if you want. Though instead of souls I would do it as Life points as some armies do have low model counts
February 17, 2019 at 8:52 am #1511Dave
KeymasterWell I was thinking about it from a law prospective. As they would be more interested collecting in souls regardless of how many LP they are. But it will call come out in the game testing.
Btw, I am hoping to spend a little time working on the spells today and I might have the first draft ready too.
February 17, 2019 at 11:05 am #1512Thomas
ParticipantOk fair enough well see how them go.
What do you think of the harbinger stats?February 17, 2019 at 1:23 pm #1513Dave
KeymasterGood, I might be tempted to give them 6 or 7 attacks though, as I can imagine them being quike big looming models.
February 17, 2019 at 1:24 pm #1514Dave
KeymasterBtw, there are the spells I have time to rework today.
1st Discipline of Necromancy “Reanimate the Dead”
Ether 1
If a Necromancer cannot reanimate the dead, then they are not a Necromancer…All Necromancers must take the First Discipline of Necromancy, ‘Reanimate the Dead’ into battle. They cannot swap or trade this spell.
If the Necromancer loses this spell for any reason, they cannot cast any their other magic until they regain this spell.
This spell has a ‘starting base’ range of 8 inches and can only be cast within the Necromancer’s awareness ranges. Furthermore, this spell can only be cast upon existing gaming pieces of Undead, such as Skeletons and Vampires.
The caster can reanimate more dead by making the spell more difficult to cast, by adding 1 or more ether dice to its dispelling roll. On a successful cast, each ether die added will allow the Necromancer to generate +1D6 worth of ‘Will Points’. After which, the Necromancer can spend their WPs on rising up undead and restoring their LP damage. Each Undead Model has a cost in WPs in their stats that indicate its cost in reanimating models or restoring lost LP. E.g. the Necromancer rolls 3D6 Will Dice and scores 12 WPs, which would reanimate 6 Skeleton warriors at a cost of 2 will points each. Excess unspent WPs are lost. They cannot be saved or carried over to the next cast to this spell.
The caster may even extend the range of the spell by adding another Ether Die to its dispelling roll, which will further its range by +8 inches.
Undead gaming pieces can only have their lost models and LPs ‘restored’. This spell cannot grant more LPs or models than a gaming piece had at the start of the game.
The caster may recast this spell at a cost of trading in another one of their spells to do so.
2nd Discipline of Necromancy ‘The Dark Blessing at Death’s Door
Ether 1
Down in the vile workshop of a Necromancer, their cruelty has little limits, as they always prefer to vivisect life subjects in the pursuit of furthering their dark art…To stop their victims from dyeing from the wounds and excruciating pain the Necromancer inflicts upon their subjects, they have mastered the art of quickly enchanting their equipments to reanimate a subject just after they have died!
The horror this heinous crime against life brings to the battlefield is unbelievable…. Warriors will watch in terror as they forma comrades will rise again, only to strike them down.
This spell can be cast upon any friendly undead gaming piece within 10 inches of the caster and within their awareness ranges. The spell’s affects will last for one full turn and end at the beginning of the caster’s next turn.
Every enemy model that the effected undead piece slays in combat is immediately turned into a skeleton warrior and will be added to that piece.
3rd Discipline of Necromancy ‘The Black Goblet’
Ether 2
When one dies, their soul will be plunged into the Black Ocean of Lost Souls, where they will be claimed by their god they worshiped in life.Those unclaimed will be carried away to Death’s Banquette were he and his minions will nor on their souls for eternity. There are those who have the will power will to escape the pull of the black waters, but that is a story for another time.
Necromancers know of the Black Ocean and have found its waters to be more of a soup of pain, hate, despair and memories, as the water seems to soak up part of or all of its victim’s essence.
Through a magical incantation Necromancers can partly enter the Veil and draw its black waters for just a sip. This grants them great incite and enhance mental abilities, as they have just swallowed the combine knowledge and experience of countless souls of ages past! However, this affect is only temporary as no one living (or even dead) vassal can possible hold so much knowledge and wisdom for long.
When successfully cast this spell grants the controlling player of the Necromancer D6 rerolls. These special rerolls can be used with any die cast by the player up and until the start of their next turn. Any unspent rerolls are lost.
4th Discipline of Necromancy ‘Death’s Kiss’
Ether 3
The Necromancer focuses their dark magical energy and releases it as a burst that flows over the ranks of the enemy. Once breathed in they drop like flies at the feet of the wizard as there life is drained from their bodies. The fallen souls are then used to further fuel the Necromancers cause and summon more dead to fight by their side.Once successfully cast place the Flame Template within the primary awareness ranges of the wizard and in base contact.
Any enemy models under the template is hit and will suffer a -2 agility and -1 toughness to their save.
For every 3 models killed the caster gains 1D6 Will Points. These WPs must spend immediately and in accordance of the rules for casting ‘Reanimate the Dead’. With one exception, these WPs can be used to created new undead models.
This spell has no effect on undead models.February 17, 2019 at 6:15 pm #1517Thomas
ParticipantWe I’m not sure if you saw it but I have the scythe the ability “Reaping scythe” which effectively triples his attacks but not against single models
February 19, 2019 at 9:48 pm #1518Dave
KeymasterYou’re right I did… Looking at it again, it does seem a little OP. Perhaps keep the ability, but half its CR when they use that ability?
February 20, 2019 at 1:37 pm #1519Thomas
ParticipantYeah that would make sense. I did it as way to give him plenty of attacks but not make him overwhelm a character. But half CR makes a lot of sense
This reply was modified 6 years ago by
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