Vampire House Gorren

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  • #566

    Hi everyone again,

    At the moment I’m working on House Gorren and I would like some ideas around what their special powers should be? Underneath is their backstory, which should give you a good idea about what they are all about:

    House of Gorren

    This family’s gift from the Blood King was the ability to ‘Summon’ and ‘Commune’ with wild dark Beasts of their realm. The Blood King’s gift also seems to of have had an effect on their believes and culture, as this family of vampires are a little on the wild side…

    Gorren Vampires care very little for the finer things in life. Stately homes and pearly white grand castles hold little sway with this family. Instead, they will construct great hunting lodges and foreboding stone fortresses deep within their forest covered and rugged lands.

    House Fray has a strange respect for this rugged family, as they recognise they have a code of honour. House Gorren may be Ferocious Killers, but they rarely take live needlessly and do not attack unless provoked. Even though they hunt their own people and clearly enjoy it, they respect them and take only what they need – in keeping with the ‘Natural Law’ of the Forests. When a Human out foxes them on a hunt they will offer them a place in their family, as a sign of respect.

    On the battlefield House Gorren prefer to fight alongside wild beasts and monsters they have summoned to war. However, creatures of light and divinity will shy away from their calls to battle. On the other hand, beasts of shadow and vermin will always answer their calls for help.

    Here is Gorren Vampire Lord stats sheet too:

    And here are their Blessings from the Blood King:

    None of this is set in stone at the moment. So if you have any ideas, just let me know and I will see what I can do 🙂


    Rather than “come help brothers” how about “Our quarry is near” or “shadow ambush”


    Also I think a cool ability would be Animal instinct (I’m open to other names)

    Unsure of how much it would cost but here’s my idea for it.
    “Vampire units with the gift are always treated as having 360° line of sight, additionally they can always sense enemy units through intervening terrain and are never slowed by rough ground or other terrain features. (They must have at least 4 3inchs of movement remaining to go up a fluff face)

    It’s a rough idea but you know what I mean


    “Our quarry is near” I quite that one, thanks.

    And as for your other suggestion, I like it, but a lot of beast units will have quite good movement anyway with them being packs of animals.


    I was thinking more for the Vampires then the beasts

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Thomas.

    Ok, but I we could look at giving the Moose that instead? Or we could just build that into the Gorren Vampire’s stats, as they live in the woods anyway and will be used to moving around in difficult terrain.


    You could do that it’s up to you.
    I just wanted to reflect how they are used to living in a forrest

    I’m unsure abo7t making a special bonus that Allen gotten vampires have though.
    As arguably we would have to do that for all vampires houses.
    That’s why I wanted to make it a blood gift

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Thomas.

    If you look at House Fray you will notice that their base stats have a better combat rating than Gorren. That’s because their entire culture evolves around combat. So each House will be a little different from each other because of their culture and have weaknesses and strength based on that, rather than their blood blessings.

    Yes their blood blessings will push their culture in a certain direction, but they will still have to adapt around their culture’s needs.


    Oh I see yeah.
    Ok up to you then


    Looking at forest wyverns stats 2 of them could give a dragon a run for its money


    Yeah…. I think you are right. It’s because of the poison and that Great Dragons are ‘Sluggish’.

    And you have given me an idea for a unique rule for them. Because Wyverns are very poisonous, even their flesh, if another Beast attacks them because they are using their teeth and claws, they could get a milder form of poisoning. What do you think?


    It makes sense as soon animals are poisonous to stop them being eaten


    It wouldn’t be a big poison, maybe level 2, but enough to leave a nasty taste in the mouth 😉 pun intended.


    Haha ok. Sounds interesting

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