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Lovely bit of writing there KC, I really like the expression you have coined there, “Wake the Titans”. I think I will be using that one myself in my writing if you don’t mind 🙂
Looking at both lists. I think old Surbag is going to have a tougher time of it. He’s going to wish he brought some more Spiders and Hags. I cannot tell you how affective the spell ‘Crack in Reality’ is for Hags are. Its ease of casting, long range, multiple wounds and no saves makes it my go too little problem solver when dealing with Griffins or Crack Cav Units and other nasties on the field.
Garrison Master Normand is right to feel inspired by the appearance of Augun and his Griffin, as that will play a key part in the Herlanceian’s battle plan. On the other hand looking at the cav units, their charges should not be to devastating. I would imagine they will be trying to out flank the Orcs, which will make them a real problem for Surbag and his Boys.
I am looking forward to seeing how the battle pans out 🙂
This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by