Great Saw Blades Complete and Ready to Download!

Hi all,

The title says it all—I’ve finished the Saws armed with their Great Blades, officially completing the Saws’ infantry!

To download the Great Bladed Saws, you can get them from (Link) by clicking on the ‘Orc Saws with Great Blades’ model link.

What’s Next? According to my grand plan, the next project is the outcasts of Orc Caravansl, the Blue Orcs,.

Blue Orcs are banished by their green brothers because, even by Orc standards, they are utterly insane—all thanks to their Mothers consuming too many Tears (which are essentially lumps of pure magic). This warps a small number of their young blue and sends them completely off the rails mentally.

Since Blue Orcs are scavengers, they pick through whatever their more stable green-skinned brothers leave behind—who, in turn, scavenge from the aftermath of every battle. And that’s not much!

As a result, their equipment is extremely basic, often made from bone, wood, and animal hides.

However, aside from what is essentially decorative gear, Blue Orcs rarely wear much armour—but they don’t really need it. Their magical properties grant them +3 Magic in their save, which isn’t bad at all!

For the Blue Orcs, I’ll need to create some new crazy faces, bone weapons, decorations, and tattoos. So, these will take a little longer to complete.

I actually finished the new Saw models a few days ago and have already started working on the Blue Orcs! Right now, I’m focusing on adding their new faces.

Also, as winter gives way to spring, I need to get back to renovating my house over the next few weeks.

This means that, for a while, progress on Three Plains will slow down, but once my house is sorted, I’ll be back at full speed!

Orc Codex Page Art

From time to time, I also go back to work on the Orc Codex Page Art, which you can see below and still very rough:

That’s it for now!

Until next time—take care!


Website: Print and Play Fantasy

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