Progress on the Great Saw Blades

Hi all, The Americans have their M1 Abrams tank, the Japanese have their katana swords, and we Brits have the longbow—all cutting-edge technology of their time. Well, the Orcs have their Great Saw Blade. To the untrained eye, it might look like—(and it is!)—a heap of rusty scrap metal, crudely hammered and pinned together with […]

Three Plains Road Map

Hi all, I just realised that no one really knows what I’m working on—or at least what my plan is for Three Plain. So, I’ve just spent the last hour or two putting together a Three Plains Road Map, which you can check out HERE. Additionally, I’ve updated my ‘Home Page’ over at, as […]

Release of the New Saws with Two Saw Blades

Hi all, Well, I’m back and with a very short post today. As you can see, I just finished these new Saw models last night. Next up to work on is their Great Blade reverent, which shouldn’t take too long, as lot of their armour is already do now. Download the New Saw Models from: […]