The Blue Orc Warriors with Two Hand Weapons are Ready to Download ā€“ Enjoy!

Hi all, That was possibly the quickest model creation process Iā€™ve ever doneā€”just two weeks! And now, the Blue Orc Warriors with Two Hand Weapons are ready! You find to models to download from (HERE) and then Skoll down to ā€˜Blue Orcs with Two Hand Weaponsā€™. Next up to work on are the Blue Orc […]

Great Saw Blades Complete and Ready to Download!

Hi all, The title says it allā€”Iā€™ve finished the Saws armed with their Great Blades, officially completing the Sawsā€™ infantry! To download the Great Bladed Saws, you can get them from (Link) by clicking on the ā€˜Orc Saws with Great Bladesā€™ model link. Whatā€™s Next? According to my grand plan, the next project is the […]

Progress on the Great Saw Blades

Hi all, The Americans have their M1 Abrams tank, the Japanese have their katana swords, and we Brits have the longbowā€”all cutting-edge technology of their time. Well, the Orcs have their Great Saw Blade. To the untrained eye, it might look likeā€”(and it is!)ā€”a heap of rusty scrap metal, crudely hammered and pinned together with […]

Three Plains Road Map

Hi all, I just realised that no one really knows what Iā€™m working onā€”or at least what my plan is for Three Plain. So, Iā€™ve just spent the last hour or two putting together a Three Plains Road Map, which you can check out HERE. Additionally, Iā€™ve updated my ‘Home Page’ over at, as […]

Release of the New Saws with Two Saw Blades

Hi all, Well, Iā€™m back and with a very short post today. As you can see, I just finished these new Saw models last night. Next up to work on is their Great Blade reverent, which shouldnā€™t take too long, as lot of their armour is already do now. Download the New Saw Models from: […]

My Progress on the New Saws Models

Hi all, Iā€™m back, but this time with a much shorter update. The reason being, Iā€™ve been ploughing loads of my time into the Saws and not much else. The good news is that Iā€™ve just finished the front parts of the Saw models. Next week, Iā€™ll start working on their backs. As usual, I […]

Orc Slingers Released

Hi all, Iā€™m back and really enjoying my break. As an added bonus, Iā€™ve had plenty of time to work on the Orc models Iā€™m revamping. Iā€™ve just finished the new Orc Slingers, which you can see below. You can download them here: Orc Slingers. Iā€™m slowly working my way through updating the Orcs, as […]