House Fray’s Gifts from the Blood King?

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  • #508

    Hi everyone,

    At the moment I’m working on House Fray and I would like some ideas around what their special powers should be? Underneath is their backstory, which should give you a good idea about what they are all about:

    Those who face House Fray on the battlefield rightly dread these noble Vampires, as they are well known within Evernight for their combat prowess.
    All Vampires have enhanced speed, agility and strength, but House Fray excels in these areas far more than any other house in Evernight.

    Despite House Frey’s love of combat and battle, they are a very civilised family and have a strict code of chivalry that they even extend to their peasants they rule over.

    On the battlefield, unlike the other Houses, Fray’s army always fight alongside ‘living’ units of warriors. They will occasionally use beasts and are well known for riding their Blood Dragons into combat.

    To House Fray the battlefield is the ideal proving grown for their next generation of Vampires. Those men who fight well and survive will be invited into the family, and merit permitting, they could even lead their great house one day.

    As for special powers or the gifts from the blood king, they should all be centered around combat for House Fray. Also I would like each house to have 6 Gifts, 1 for a Vampire Thrall, 2 for a Count and 3 for a Lord. As for the head of the house, he or she will have all 6 Blessings of their house from the Blood King!

    As I can see most of the Blessings from the Blood King will be stat enhancements, underneath are the Vampire’s Stats for House Fray.

    Try and include what the Blessing does, a little short blurb about it and its cost in points.

    Ok then let’s get cracking 🙂


    • This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Dave.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Dave.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Dave.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Dave.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Dave.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Dave.

    I’m surprised they don’t have any agility in there save.
    For abilities the thrills could have a “blood frenzy” because they aren’t as disciplined sometimes in the hear of battle the let loose and go on a rampage.
    This could double there attacks?


    Oops I meant why don’t they have any magic in their save


    Good point, I will up date that sorry.

    As for the special power, cheers, but I was going to save the psychologies for the Vilemall and Maboro Houses.

    How about ‘Martial Prowess’ where they get +1 attack for 30pts


    They could do, maybe you colour for it to them trying to “look strong in front of there masters” or something like that


    “They could do, maybe you colour for it to them trying to “look strong in front of there masters” or something like that”

    Could you be a bit clearer, I’m not 100% sure what you mean Tom???


    I have created the blessings for House Fray. Please feel free to comment on them and suggest changes if you want.

    Martial Prowess at +30pts
    The Vampire gains +1 attack.

    Nerves of Steel at +30pts
    The Vampire gains +1 soldiering.

    Battle Hardened at +40pts
    The Vampire gains +2 resistance.

    Weapons Master +50pts
    The Vampire gains +2 to their combat rating and does -2 to an enemy’s save.

    Steel Breaker at +60pts.
    The Vampire attacks do a further -2 to enemy’s toughness save and +2 damage.

    Vampire Counts and Lords only.

    Fatal Blows at +80pts
    The Vampire with this blessing strikes out ‘Fatal Blows’ against all characters, infantry and cavalry models with base’s sized 30x30mm or less and skirmished models with a base 40x40mm or less.

    Vampire Lords only.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Dave.

    Wow combat monsters
    It’s ok Dave, I was thinking more about the fluff.
    I think the fluff already represents what I was thinking


    Ok cool, and yes they are monsters in combat 🙂

    In regards to the fluff, I will add that in later, or if you have any ideas just let me know and I will add it in there.

    Unless there is any objections, I will start working on House of Gorren next, but that will have to wait until next week now, as I’m working away this weekend.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Dave.

    Ok cool. Lots of wild beasts then.
    They could have a rule which forces an enemy beast to make a check and if they fail they will fight there master for 1 round of combat.
    Of course loyalty rating and other things could negate it


    Thanks, that’s a good idea Tom 🙂 and I was thinking their blessings could also revolve around Beast Unit point reductions. E.g. 50% off wolf’s for instance.


    That would be very interesting.
    Would they have dire wolves?


    They most certainly will be direwolves =D but they will have no undead units other than other Vampires. Just beasts and woodsmen.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Dave.

    Sounds right. A very wild set of vampires.

    You could argue because of the strange biomes in evernite the wildlife has adapted in strange ways (Because of the eternally overcast skies) so you could have hinkypunks ( mythical creatures that lead lost travellers into fog)

    They would fit more into life then actual use on the battlefield


    I had to look up what a Hinkypunk was??? I’m not up on my Harry Potter law 😉 but yeah, they could have all sorts and some more unique ones too, with Evernight never seeing any sun.

    In fact I see House Gorren being a bit of a precursor to the Lords of the Woods army list we were talking about, as they would be very similar to them.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Dave.
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