Hi all,
The title of this post really says it all already—the Noms have been released! You can download them here: https://printandplayfantasy.com/the-black-land-orcs-army-codex-fantasy-orcs/, just click on ‘Orc Noms’.
I’m quite pleased with how they turned out, if I do say so myself.
In other news, the Orc Codex is progressing nicely. I’ve just about finished working on their background lore and some short stories. After that, it’s on to the meat of the book: their rules. I’m hoping to work through this part much quicker, as writing lore and stories always takes me far longer than writing short blurbs and rules.
For the next unit rework, I’ve decided to tackle the Orc Slingers. The plan is simple: I’ll use the Orc Archers as a base, adding a couple of new arm types and sling weapons to the model. Hopefully, it’ll come together smoothly.
Next week, I’ll need to take a bit of time to work on my house, so I expect my progress to slow down a little. Other than that, I’m aiming to have the Slinger model ready by Christmas.
Until next time, take care!
Website: https://printandplayfantasy.com/