Hi all,
That was possibly the quickest model creation process I’ve ever done—just two weeks! And now, the Blue Orc Warriors with Two Hand Weapons are ready!
You find to models to download from (HERE) and then Skoll down to ‘Blue Orcs with Two Hand Weapons’.

Next up to work on are the Blue Orc Slingers, which I’ve already started working on. That said, with the weather warming up, I need to spend some time working on the house, which will slow things down a bit.
So, the Blue Orc Slingers may take a little longer than they really should—but the good news is that the Green Orc variant is already done and provides an excellent base to build from.
In Other News
I’ve been updating my site and discovered that a lot of older links to models and rules had stopped working.
The issue? Somehow, the address ‘http:’ had magically stopped working, and all links needed to be updated to ‘https:’.
So, if you’ve visited PnPF recently and found you couldn’t download what you needed—don’t worry!
All the links have now been fixed and are ready to use once more.
That’s it from me this week.
Take care for now!
🎲 Patreon: Dave the Wargamer